Thursday, October 24, 2019


I hope everyone had a fantastic and restful fall break! We are back into the swing of things this week. This week has been busy with Trickster Theatre here this week helping us create a performance. Classes will be performing Friday, October 25th and parent's are welcome to come and watch. Parents are able to watch performances starting at 11:00am and ending at approximately 12:10.

Also, please see the memo sent home with your child this week regarding the Calgary Resource Fair. This fair will offer information about resources you can access for a child with special needs as they transition from children's services to adult services. Admission is FREE!

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Gatza

Friday, October 11, 2019

Happy Beginning of Fall Break!

The past few weeks have been busy in our classroom. Students have been working on place value for numbers up to 1000. They have also been learning to add two-digit numbers, with some regrouping.

In Literacy, students have been working on create complete sentences that start with a capital letter and end with punctuation. We will be learning about run-on sentences and when it is appropriate to use the word "and" in our writing.

Students have recently learned to cook scrambled eggs with added veggies and cheese. Hopefully your child can use their skills to make you breakfast in bed one day over the break!

During the week of October 21-25 your child will be participating in creating a performance with Trickster Theatre. They will perform on October 25 and parents/guardians are invited to come and watch. You child should have taken home an invitation the Thursday before break.

Here are some websites the students can check out over the break to sharpen their skills:

Also, a reminder: please return the homework duotangs so we can fill them with some practice sheets.

Thanks and have a great break!

Ms. Gatza

Hello! Children are naturally curious learners and there are opportunities at home to engage their learning. We have created a  webpage   ...